5th International Wroclaw Scientific Meetings

From October 19th to 21st, 2023, the “5th International Wroclaw Scientific Meetings” took place, during which Dr. Olga Michel presented the talk: “The effect of calibration technique on the stability of liposomes in formulation against the infection progress of virus SARS-CoV-2” (presentation of research conducted as part of our consortium grant: “Mutation-resistant nano therapeutics inhibiting infection progress of RNA-virus, SARS-CoV-2”, funded by the Medical Research Agency).

This presentation was awarded the first prize in the category of “Best oral presentation” and as a result, it will be published in a special issue of the journal Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IF=2.1, MEiN=140 points) 2023, Vol. 32, Special Issue 3.


3rd National Scientific Conference “InnWet – innovative sides of modern veterinary medicine and zoology” took place on May 24 this year. Issues associated with animals’ health and treatment, their nutrition, biotechnology and behaviorism were main topics during the event. We are pleased to announce that representatives of our team, Joanna Tunikowska, DVSc. (Wrocław University of…