Ladies and Gentlemen, we have just completed an intense period of preparation for our application with our national and European partners for the HORIZON-HLTH-2024-TOOL-11-02 program. We are pleased to inform you that, Acellemd, as the consortium leader, with strong support from Silesian Park of Medical Technology Kardio-Med Silesia and Medical University of Silesia, has submitted a proposal for the project titled “Bioprinting of living cells for cornea reconstruction” PRINT4eye.

Within the submitted proposal, with our partners, we plan to develop our personalized biodegradable patch for corneal regeneration using stem cells, prepared as part of an autologous transplant for a phase IIa clinical trial.

We kindly ask you to keep your fingers crossed for the success of this application prepared and submitted by us. We expect to receive the competition results within 120 days.